It's a planning and assessment to figure out the IT infrastructure you need to meet your current and future requirements. We take care of Website Hosting, SSL (Security Socket Layer) Installations to protect your website and to make it secure. We take care of creating your Business Email Accounts and a lot more Our team of experts helps you out in investing in the right direction.
IT Infrastructure is critical Unmanaged servers and networks, default configurations and other delinquencies make your server and network vulnerable and exploitable. Loopholes in the IT infrastructure directly take a toll on the productivity of your business. Setups and Upgrades Outdated technology costs more than what you need to invest in new technologies. Poor-performing outdated servers and network devices often lead to a business slowdown. We help you out replace and upgrade your existing IT infrastructures at the right time and cost. IT infrastructure maintenance and monitoring Monitoring is important to track the performance, identify loopholes in the infrastructure and to foil the attempts of cybercriminals. Timely maintenance maximizes server and network uptime. Server and Network Security Using default names, faulty configurations and weak passwords often lead to a security breach. Keeping up-to-date antivirus, using intrusion detection system and right firewall, hard to guess usernames, password and configurations provide reliable network and server security.
We Prevent, Detect and Recover This is our approach. Imagitrue keeps your data safe, create encrypted local and cloud-backup of your data, and guarantee quick and complete data recovery after disaster. 60% of the companies go out of business within 6 months after data loss due to disaster. This is the reason why we secure, monitor and recover the lifeline of your business, your data. Our team of engineers provide round the clock network and server support to make sure that you efficiently run your business without any security threat.