Web Design Process

Step 1: Discovery
- Review requirements and prepare questions.
- Define Project Goal.
- Define high-level requirements.
- Gather content and requirement gathering.
- Come up with initial specifications if needed.
Step 2: Wireframing
- We then create wireframes in Adobe XD and share the XD link.Or We create the wireframes in Adobe Photoshop and share the Invision Link.
Step 3: Design
- We then require original logo files (if not there, we can design the logo as well using Adobe Illustrator) for branding.
- We get font information and font files from clients or use Google fonts.
- On the basis of the logo, we finalize the color palette for the website.
- Once the logo and color palette are approved by the client, we create a Homepage mockup in Adobe Photoshop. We share homepage mockup (2-3 variations)
- After the finalization of the homepage, we design the rest of the inner pages.
Step 4: Prototyping
- We then take all the final mockups and link them to create a prototype in Invision App or through Google Gallery (If linking is not required)
- We work on design feedback via Invisionapp comments.
- We then finalize the prototype and take approval.
Step 5: Responsive HTML
- Once the mockups are approved, we slice them.
- We then take all the design elements and create Responsive HTML files using HTML/CSS along with Bootstrap, Javascript and Jquery.
- We then upload it on Google drive and share the folders with you.
Step 6: WordPress/CMS
- Once the HTML File is Completed, we slice them.
- We then take all the HTML files and convert them into PHP files.
- We take the default Theme and customize it as per the required design
- We then start functionality with a dynamic WordPress site.
Step 7: Quality Control
- Once the WordPress Development is completed.
- We then tested all the Responsive design & development.
- If there are any bugs seen in design & development then we note on the spreadsheet and resolve them.
Step 8: Delivery
Our deliverables include:
- Fully functional Websites/Web Apps/Mobile Apps Designs
- Admin credentials and access to be able to edit the content/images yourself
- Original Design files
- Training Documents